

For starred (*) services there are several providers.  To conserve space, we’ve usually listed just one well-known provider. You may wish to consult people you know about their preferred providers.

Emergency:  Dial 911

*AmbulanceDial 911, See also Hospital with an Emergency Room, below.

Consulate, Canada: There is not a Canadian consulate in Oaxaca, but these toll-free telephone numbers can be dialed from anywhere in Mexico. Mexico City Canadian Embassy: 01-800-706-2900; Emergency Watch and Response Center in Ottawa: 001-800-514-0129

Consulate, United States: Macedonia Alcala 407, Office 20, Centro. Appointment needed, email:  For emergency Assistance for U.S. citizens in Mexico, call (55) 8526 2561 from Mexico or 1-844-528-6611 from the United States.

Consumer Protection: PROFECO, Av Heroico Colegio Militar 1009, Col. Reforma, Tel. (951) 513 4141,

Driver’s License: Las Rosas No. 119, Colonia Reforma, Oaxaca

Electricity: The National Electric Utility of Mexico (CFE), Humboldt 209 (Corner of Calle Reforma), Col. Centro, Tel. 951 516 2755

Fire Department: City of Oaxaca, Dial 911, or call 951 506 0248

*Gas: Gas Oaxaca, 951 501 6600.  Delivery of cannisters of propane to your home.

Highway Assistance and Tourist Help (Green Angels): Av. Benito Juárez 703, Col. Centro, Tel. Dial 078, or call 951 516 9597, Description of their services in English:

*Hospital with a 24-hour Emergency Room: (1) Clinica Hospital Carmen, Calle M. Abasolo 215, Col. Centro, Tel. 951 516 0027.  (2) Hospital Reforma, Calle Reforma 613, Col. Centro, Tel. 951 516 0989 or 951 516 6100.  Both of these hospitals have a 24-hour ambulance.  If one hospital’s ambulance is busy, call the other one.

Immigration: INM (Immigration Office), Av. Independencia 709, Palacio Federal, Col. Centro, Oaxaca, M-F 9:00 am-1:00 pm.  Tel. (951) 502 00 04,

Police, City of Oaxaca: Morelos 108, Col. Centro, Tel. (951) 514 4525

Senior Discount Card (must be a citizen or temporary/permanent resident): Av. Independencia 709, Palacio Federal, Col. Centro, Oaxaca, Tel. 951 514 8913, Email:, M-F 8:00 am-3:00 pm

Tourist Bureau (information, maps, posters): Av. Benito Juarez 703 (across from Llano Park), Col. Centro, Tel. 951 502 1200

*Tow Truck: Servicio Gruas Santa Teresa, Tel. 951 514 0360

*Water, Drinking: Biale, Violetas 126, Col. Reforma, Tel. 951 132 8277, Cell: 951 135 1909, Email: